Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bajo Higher Secondary School is guided by...


To achieve excellence in learning and to mould productive citizens for tomorrow.


To develop productive, academically competent and responsible individuals through the provision of quality education and quality wholesome education.


Achieve academic excellence, improve education standard and make students life long learners.

Promote and inculcate National, Cultural, Social and Personal Values.

Produce disciplined and responsible citizens through provision of guidance, counseling and quality wholesome education.

Create a conducive and safe teaching & learning atmosphere in the school.

Develop, consolidate and maintain physical infrastructures and facilities.


Regular planned lessons, supervised studies, remedial classes and reading programmes.

Organize & conduct co-curricular activities effectively for mass participation such as literary, games & sports, cultural and the clubs.

Conduct, inculcate, practice and promote values education, Driglam Namzha and life skills.

Develop and beautify school campus through social forestry, nature conservation, horticulture and gardening.

Conduct SBIPs, School Level Monitoring and enhance professional development.

Carry out proper maintenance, care for school properties and strengthen pastoral care.